Creating Exceptional Lives

Support Loretto

Since its founding, Loretto has been gifted more than £18m in today’s money which has enabled the School to deliver on its mission and more.

Much of what makes Loretto so special today is a result of the generosity of others, including the Chapel, the Theatre, the Colin Thompson Hall, several of our Houses, the Communication and Resource Centre, and the Golf Academy Indoor Centre.

By supporting Loretto, you can help us to:

  • Provide exceptional educational, recreational, and residential facilities.
  • Create life-changing opportunities for pupils through a bespoke, all-round education.
  • Widen access to Loretto through means-tested bursaries.
  • Safeguard our historic buildings.

Support A Bursary

Widen access to Loretto through means-tested bursaries

Some parents are in a situation where they would like their child(ren) to benefit from a Loretto education, but the fees may be too great a commitment for them.

At Loretto, we believe that a bespoke, all-round education should be available to children of all social backgrounds. We also appreciate the significant contribution to life at Loretto that children on bursaries make and have witnessed their ability and determination to achieve, inspiring and encouraging others to fulfil their potential.

Every year we are able to assist  families by awarding means-tested bursaries. There are three ways you can help us increase the number of bursaries on offer. 

Named Bursary

Support one specific pupil, through a 100% means-tested bursary for the duration of his/her time at Loretto enabling that child to complete both GCSE and ‘A’ Level public examinations. In return for your support, the Bursary can be named after you, or someone you would like to nominate.

Sixth Form Bursary

Support a pupil through Sixth Form through a 100% means-tested bursary, helping that pupil achieve their full potential at ‘A’ Level.

The School’s Bursary Fund

Every penny donated toward the fund will help us to increase the number of children we are able to assist.  We ask you to consider a donation of whatever sum you feel comfortable giving. This is an ideal way to help a child gain the very best education possible – a truly life changing experience!

Help Us Widen Access To Loretto

For further information please contact our Head of Operations at